The Looming Recession and What to do About it.
In a world of information overload, a pertinent question is, “Where can I get good, ‘non conflicted’ advice?” For without clear confidence in appropriate expertise the investor is rudder less in the tempest of markets. There is a capital market rate of return to be achieved but the noise generated by market participants and the sales culture that surrounds this multi-billion-dollar industry obscures and confuses the evidence of how this return can be obtained.
This problem is further magnified by considering that human beings are a bundle of inconsistencies, all with our own values, biases, and understandings of how the world works. We are not robots that make strictly rational decisions based on complex models and spreadsheets. We are human, entirely fallible and each with a unique lived experience that shapes the rationale for how we make decisions. Even the best of us are susceptible to base emotions of fear and greed which have the propensity to cloud our judgement and play havoc with our wealth.
Rebalancing For Optimum Outcomes
A savvy investor that instils systematic disciplines when maintaining their portfolio will achieve vastly superior results in the long run compared to those that speculate on the next top performer. Periodically rebalancing your portfolio significantly increases your odds of success.
It’s Time to Weigh Anchor
In the tempest of markets, we are all vulnerable to anchoring our investment approach to fallible fixed points of reference. This can create the illusion of safety or an inflated perception of our own abilities. It is important to remain humble and reflect where our investment anchoring fallacies might lie.
Beware The Enemy Within
There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true: the other is to refuse to believe what is.
When it comes to picking winners in the stock market, individuals (men in particular) continue to prove themselves the fool. Strangely, market participants seem to be more overconfident the less clear an outcome is likely to be.